
FDA Call for Submissions

Discussion Paper: Distributed Manufacturing and Point-of-Care Manufacturing of Drugs; Request for Information and Comments 

This discussion paper presented areas associated with DM and POC manufacturing that FDA has identified for consideration as FDA evaluates existing risk-based regulatory framework as it applies to these technologies. CDER scientific and policy experts identified these areas from a comprehensive analysis of existing regulatory requirements applicable to the approval of drugs manufactured using DM and POC technologies. This analysis included a review of applicable statutory provisions, regulations, and guidance related to quality assessment and inspections to determine whether an application presenting an advanced manufacturing technology can fit within our current regulatory framework.

The areas of consideration in this discussion paper are those for which FDA wanted public feedback. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) publication of the discussion paper provided information for stakeholders and soliciting public comments on specific areas of emerging and advanced manufacturing technologies. The discussion paper presents areas for consideration and policy development identified by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) scientific and policy experts associated with distributed manufacturing (DM) and point-of-care (POC) manufacturing for drugs, including biological products regulated by CDER and the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). FDA recognizes that regulatory policies and programs may need to evolve to enable the timely adoption of these technologies. The discussion paper includes a series of questions for each technology to stimulate feedback from the public. Submissions were to be submitted by December 13, 2022.

The areas of consideration presented in this discussion paper focus on products that would be marketed under an New Drug Application (NDA), Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA), or Biologics License Application (BLA). CDER is releasing this discussion paper to share information with, and gather input from, the public on DM and POC manufacturing. A series of discussion questions after each technology is included to stimulate feedback. This feedback will help inform CDER’s evaluation of our existing regulatory framework as it applies to advanced manufacturing technologies to ensure production of quality drugs for U.S. patients. While the initial analysis focused on products regulated by CDER, FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) also expects the development of advanced manufacturing technologies associated with DM and POC manufacturing for products that it regulates. As such, we invite feedback on the discussion questions related to products regulated by CDER and CBER.

For a copy of the discussion paper click here.

All the submissions may be viewed on regulations.gov here.

The submission by Blood Centers of America to the FDA can be viewed and downloaded here: Blood Centers of America Discussion Paper Comments Final (submitted)

About Blood Centers of America

 Blood Centers of America (BCA) is a member-owned organization comprised of over 50 independent blood centers throughout the North America, representing nearly 40% of the U.S. blood supply. Along with their core business of providing a substantial portion of U.S. blood supply, other BCA member services include patient blood management, transfusion services, immunohematology testing, therapeutic apheresis and tissue and cord blood banking. In addition, BCA members provide a variety of human blood products, cells and tissues to the therapeutic, diagnostic and cell therapy industries.

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