Blood Centers of America is a cooperative of over 60 independent member organizations which collect, process, and supply blood and blood-derived biological components for clinical use (under specific services or supply contracts) and for non-clinical research use (RUO) through sources such as this portal.
Currently we offer Leukocyte Reduction System chambers rich in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and depleted of granulocytes through this BCA Cells Portal (see Products page). In the coming months we plan to launch sales of isolated PBMCs, other isolated blood-derived cell isolations such as cord blood-derived CD34+ cells, and apheresis-collected mononuclear cell (MNC-A) collections known as leukopaks.
1. Setup an account This is a one-time process which you initiate by submitting the New Customer Account Setup form. Typically a new account can be setup to start accepting orders in approximately 1 week. If you have questions during or about this process, please click here to submit your inquiry by email and we will have someone contact you.
2. Submit orders any time (see Product page). The order and payment will be processed by us at BCA after which you will be assigned a fulfillment center responsible for filling and shipping your order. You will be notified of your fulfilment center and be given a contact there should there be any questions or issues to address regarding the ordered products, data, labels, shipping, etc.
NOTE: The intended date of receipt of the products(s) is critical to fulfillment allocations. Friday shipments should generally be avoided unless critical and same-day or Saturday receipt can be ensured.
Shipping Account: As part of the order form, you will submit the shipping account number and provider for us to use for shipment
Technical Questions: If you have any technical questions about the product, please click here to submit your inquiry by email and we will have someone contact you.
Account and Ordering Questions: If you have ordering questions, please click here to submit your inquiry by email and we will have someone contact you.