
BioBridge Global Profiled 2023 Affiliate Member of AATB

BCA member, BioBridge Global, becomes an affiliate member of AATB

BCA is thrilled to announce that  BioBridge Global, one of our member centers, has been profiled by our sister organization AATB. BioBridge Global is a nonprofit organization that utilizes advanced therapies to improve and save patients’ lives. Blood Centers of America is proud of its growing relationship with American Association of Tissue Banks and the collaborations between our centers to support the development and delivery of cell, gene and tissue-based advanced therapies.

About Blood Centers of America

 Blood Centers of America (BCA) is a member-owned organization comprised of over 50 independent blood centers throughout the North America, representing nearly 40% of the U.S. blood supply. Along with their core business of providing a substantial portion of U.S. blood supply, other BCA member services include patient blood management, transfusion services, immunohematology testing, therapeutic apheresis and tissue and cord blood banking. In addition, BCA members provide a variety of human blood products, cells and tissues to the therapeutic, diagnostic and cell therapy industries.

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